
Fort Kearny State Historical Park and Recreation Area

Physical Location/Address: 1020 V Road
City: Kearney
County: Buffalo
Hours: 9am-5pm daily from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Other hours at Superintendent’s discretion.
Organization’s email: [email protected]
Organization’s Phone: (308) 865-5305
Link to website or Social Media:
Special events or exhibits relating to Nebraska’s 150: A trail ride on June 24th-25th and a National Pony Express re-ride breakfast on June 7th
Description: Built to protect Overland Trail travelers, Fort Kearny State Historical Park near Kearney was a stage station, home station for the Pony Express, outfitting depot for Indian campaigns and home of the Pawnee Scouts. The fort was established in 1848 and used until 1871. After it was abandoned as a fort, the buildings were torn down and the area was opened to homesteading. In 1928, the Fort Kearny Memorial Association was formed, and the group purchased the 40 acres where most of the fort had been located. The stockade, parade grounds, powder magazine and carpenter-blacksmith shop have been rebuilt. We also have a visitor center with an 18 minute video on the history of Fort Kearny and a museum.