Greetings from the Nebraska Museums Association!
We hope that you and your organization have had a successful and productive 2016.
NMA has been working hard during 2016 to help our Nebraska museums. We had a successful conference in Alliance, with many 1st time attendees. We have updated our logo and the board is moving forward with rewriting our bylaws. We are also participating with other state museum organizations to better provide information and services to museums throughout the United States.
We are also looking toward 2017. In Nebraska, in case you haven’t heard, this is a BIG YEAR! Nebraska turns 150! Is your organization doing anything special for the sesquicentennial? Be sure and let us know and we’ll post it on our Facebook page!
For 2017, NMA has decided to participate by implementing “150 in 150!” The Nebraska Museums Association will promote 3 NMA member organizations every week in 2017. Which means that we need at least 150 institutional members! NMA will feature your organization on our Facebook page and our website with links to your Facebook page and your website. The catch is that your organization must be an institutional member of NMA to be featured! Register your Nebraska Museum online now.
Institutional membership is only $30. To check the status of your organization’s membership, contact the NMA Membership Chair, Erin Hauser, at [email protected]. Remember, membership gets you a discounted rate for the annual meeting, which in 2017 will be in Lincoln on April 3 & 4. NMA members also receive a discount when purchasing archival and collection supplies through Gaylord.
Be sure and take advantage of this quick and easy promotional opportunity by joining NMA in 2017 so that you can be a part of the 150 in 150! Please pass this information on to your staff, board, volunteers and other organizations that might be interested.
See in you in April!